Monday, October 27, 2008

Power Protection

Ive experienced some weird power issues this year and with all this new Digital gear coming and being installed its more important then ever to filter your incoming power. There are many questions about using Power conditioners and Im going to try and answer a few.

If your building gets a DIRECT lightning strike, its a pretty sure thing that Computers, Refrigeration, Dimming, Office Equipment, Phones, Cable/Satellite and any other equipment power from the Power lines that come into the building are Subsceptible. Using a Whole House Power Protection system is a good way to control these issues and protect the valuable gear, Imagine having to replace all these items after a Hit near on on your Business/Church or Home.

These can be caused by many issues from Auto Accidents hitting a power pole, Lightning strikes miles away, or nearby, and being in a Rural area or even an office building. Many Buildings have Elevators and these can cause Brownouts even on normal days, pulling the voltage down below the normal operating voltage of 108-127 volts. Surges are also caused by many things such as Lightning or Transformer related issues, Surges raise the Voltage levels above the 127 volt range and like a Brownout can create heat in the power using appliances.

With Todays power issues, Brownouts, Power surges and Powerline trash causing noise to be inducted into your Stereos, Recording, Videos and Sound systems, Today its more important to protect your investments then ever. Modern Power conditioning gear can provide a measure of protection and small insurance to keep these issues from wearing and tearing on your electrical systems.

We Offer, APC, Furman, Tripplite, CBI, and ETA power conditioning and Distribution equipment and will offer you a free analysis of the risk and what should be protected and what doesnt need to be protected. If you have any questions about these issues please contact me on our website.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Night/Sunday day

I was building this blog and simply amazed at all the features and tools etc that are available for Linking. Google sure has made it easy and anyone can have a blog today. I was hoping to have this on my site sooner but Ive not had the time. Summer is very busy for us and were not slowing down yet, Tomorrow we do the Huge Mass in the Grass event in Alton IL for St Mary's Catholic Church, well be using our Versarray and small format mixer, But the expected crowd is well over 2000, weather forecasts are for 70 degrees, So well be having a Nice day for the Mass.

Welcome to our Helpline

Ive been trying for a while to establish my own web help line, the past forum was too complicated and I couldn't access it fast enough, I plan to do Product Reviews and give you FIRST HAND experiences with lots of GEAR.
There will be Peavey Gear but other makes will be included, I also welcome the Input of others on any thing that's of interest. Please respect the Blog, No cursing, Racial, Religions or other disparaging remarks will be welcome.

This is for Friends, Customers and Dealers to use and discuss that issues, Gear and problems as well as Success's they want to share. Ill be reviewing Gear and offering Solutions. Thanks for coming by and please do often...

Don Lanier
Pearl Pro Audio