Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ive just returned from Nashville where I took 3 days of YCATS Training from Yamaha, Digital Sound Reinforcement training, PM5D, MC7L and other Digital products from Yamaha, Shure and Nexo. Nexo is a Speaker and Amp manufacturer who has taken the Industry by storm now that they are Allied with Yamaha they are really bring forth some Awesome product, Listening Tests were done and its some Killer gear.

Shure Presented there Whitespaces program and many issues were discussed, The Entire Wireless issue is still very much in the air. I have always urged anyone whose using Wireless to Write the FCC, Your Congressional representatives and express your feelings that Wireless Mics are very important to our Industry as a whole. The guys at Shure have been doing lots of research and there are new tools on there website to help you find and scan for Available channels, Find TV broadcasters and where they are broadcasting. The Wireless program was very interesting and Even though I dont own many Shure Mics I found great information there on the Website.

Yamaha's Digital consoles are pretty much an Industry wide accepted console, The PM5D Platform is really nice and layed out very well, Its an ongoing thing with updates, Changes in Functionality and usgae, We spent quite a few Hours going over the way these work, Networking, Cobranet, Ethernet, and basically Computer Networking the Product. If you dont believe that Audio is becoming an IT item and you havent studied any of this I urge you to get into these classes. It was well presented, Easy to Understand and the Presenters did a great job of Teaching, Answering the Million DUMB questions and making sure WE got a grip on the basics, applications and use.

Im very interested in the Entire IT thing and Ive been reading and studying lots of Cobranet/Ethernet/IT uses and applications and that helped me understand all the product better, If you want more Info go to and check out the programs and gear. The new Sound System Simulator Y-S3 program is really cool and works with many factorys products.

Our Picture will be on the YCATS blog space and I came away with the Certificate that I wanted, Ive put lots of Emphasis this year on getting more training, Online and at Local Colleges and trying to learn and apply this new IT skillset.

Lots of stuff happeneing and we had a nice dinner with One of John Cougars Bandmates and a couple Guys from Little River Band and other PA companies down in Nashville, When and if you get down there I recommend LA PAZ Mexican restaurant for healthy servings and great Mararitas. It was a welcome break from the COMPUTER classes for three days. Thanks to Yamaha, Nexo and Shure for doing a great seminar series.