Monday, June 22, 2009

Well It looks like the Dog Days of Summer are here in JUNE, its 110 here in the shade and we have 3 outdoor shows in a week, Im sure Ill be about 50 Lbs lighter after this week. Infocomm has come and gone and Im sure theres a million new products out there waiting for use in our Business, I hope everyone got a chance to read the latest Pro Sound News and see our article concerning Social Networking, The Blogs, the Facebooks etc.

The Latest Pro Sound News has a great article on the Social Marketing Phenom.....Ill be writing more as time goes by but the Work is out there for those willing to Network and become salesmen, My dad used to spend three weeks a month on the road selling Caterpillar parts, so I guess I have some natural ability to reach out and talk to people and again network your business. The economy is tired and needs a boost and if your gonna compete in todays market then you have to get out on the road and sell, even if it means leaving freinds and family and comfy surroundings. Sound and Production crews travel many miles and bring events to us in every kind of weather, well here in the Midwest its dar not, but the Music and gear is still cool....Have a great Summer, God Bless