Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas

Were gearing up our new case factory later this week, Ive been working hard at getting this off the ground, we will soon be building Amp Racks, Effects Racks, Console cases, Trunks and most any type of case thats needed, Guitar and bass transport cases, Utility trunks and workboxes....its on it way.

W ehave added JVC Pro to our continually growing list of product offerings as well as Panasonic Projection systems, if your looking for Projection or need some advice give us a call, we can Spec, Design and Install systems for any size venue. We have Draper, Peerless, Harkness Screens, Panasonic, JVC, Kramer, Sony and many other fine National Brands that we can draw on and provide top notch support with Lamps, Mounts , Rigging and Electric Screens etc.

Im really hoping to go to NAMM this year in California and see the new products and Peaveys is bring some really cool items out, I cant say what I know but many of us Peavey users will like what we see, even in this down economy I believe things will get better. If we keep the Doomsayers and Sore Losers after the Election from dragging us all down Im sure after Pres Elect Obama will bring about the Change he has promised.

Things couldnt get much worse then Losing your Home, and Im hoping that we get this country back on track, we need to forget Party Lines and work towards a Stronger, Leaner, Meaner America thats got to turn this machine around and get people back to work, Back into buying homes and a recovered renewed spirit of America.

Were growing and getting Leaner, adding what works and getting rid fo what doesnt, selling off the Old and Modernizing our gear, Wireless Technologies from MIPRO and Peavey, AKG and A/T all bringing new Tech to market. DTV will bring about Change, Just make sure your testing and evaluating your wireless, many companies are starting to roll out rebates etc to those who may have to replace older wireless systems.

Enjoy the Season my freinds, Tell those close to you you Love them, and Give a small amount of time, money or whatever you can to someone who needs it, youll enjoy the season so much more by Sharing and Caring.
God Bless...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ah The Holidays are here, Thanksgiving is over and so is my Waistline, but thats the Holidays. Listen all you guys needing a quick solution to Digital recording that Tascam DR-1 I told you about is the bomb. Ive just recently recorded a 24 track LIVE mix down to 2 Track and it came out fabulous. Not only does the Internal Limiter work but its seamless, you will not notice it when you bang into it which is great. Im doing more and more recording these days and rying to expand the revenue streams as everyone knows the economy has tanked, things are worse then slow so one must diversify. Installs, Concerts, Free Lancing, A/V Whatever pays the bills and thats getting hard to do. Im worried like many that if this depressed economy goes on too long many guys will quit, sell out and lots of smaller companys and even some Regionals may find themselves selling off Inventory.

Were going to keep the chin up and hope for the best, but again I shout DIVERSIFY, Do more, with less, work harder and leaner or you will go down. Were investing in more and more product lines and weve established new relationships with other companies. I love my Peavey gear but Im afraid Im having to go in other directions, Ive got larger clients and I need to provide the gear thats desired by the most and used by more.
My Versarray has done a great job and I love that system, well be using it for a long time, but were looking at a larger system, possibly for purchase in the spring if all gets better. Meyer or Martin, or possibly Renkus Heinz as they make great gear.

I also cant say enough about the new Heil PR 22, This is a great mic, Ive got several and have sold several and it works for Concerts, Speech, Ladys, Gospel, Horns, its just a all around great mic, it will even do Guitars in a pinch, and the Standard PR 20 has become our favorite Snare mic, we were using a small Beyer mic for years but the a Tone and Sound of the PR 20 on Snare is Monstrous.

I went to the Rental and Staging Roadshow and made some good contacts and were working on a new catalog of our own that well have available about the Middle of December featuring many of the A/V Products but also Sound, Lighting, Furniture, Accesories etc.

Were also selling AKG and Audio Technica who right now has a great rebate program going on, check out A-T's website, download the rebate form and buy and get up to 40 BUCKS BACK !!!!!

I wish everone a happy and safe Holiday season, and please remember the reason for the season, Christ who forgave my sins and has changed my Life.
Be sure to visit a Church of your Choosing and take your family, do something together for the holidays, walk through a Light display or do some carolling. God Bless

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its November my Fav time of year with Thanksgiving and Fall, I Just returned from the Rental and Staging Roadshow in Chicago held at Production Plus and it was a very informative show, Tom Stimson gave a program called the Business Survival Guide that was very well done and great info. I visited with many of the Biggest names in Staging from Panasonic, Christie and Orion and others that had the coolest WIDESCREEN projection systems and Screens. We dont live in a 4:3 Aspect Ratio world anymore kiddies, its all WIDE SCREEN 16:9 and man does it look good. With DTV set to explode on the market the new HD Video will more and more prevelant in homes and Business/Churches.

Ive also bought a cool new toy called the DR -1 by Tascam and attended a recent seminar by Tascam/Audio-Technica which was very informative.
Both companies talked about LIVE and Recording uses for the products and The DR-1 is a great little recorder for anyone needing accurate CD Quality recordings. These would work for Churches, Bands, even personal recording studios for tracking etc....we are Tascam dealers and Audio/Technica dealers, weve addedPanasonic Projectors/LCD/PLASMA, Furman, JVC Pro, Australian Monitor, Mystery Electronics, Clark Wire and Cable, Cables to Go, and many other great products to our Line cards and were just growing !!!!

Check your Wireless mics CAREFULLY after the Feb DTV Deadline and be sure your not causing interference, Its Illegal and you can be fined or worse, So If you run Multi-Channel wireless with Auto Scanning featurfes such as the new MIPRO ACT or Peavey Pro Comm or AKG/ Audio Technica, youll be better prepared to swiftly switch channels away from interference and possible interference with someones DTV.....

This issue is a sore spot with many Wireless users and older systems are simply going to be harder to use and in some instances impossible to use, so please after the FEB Deadline turn these systems on and check for interference, the last thing you want is sisue during the Service or meeting, or worse have the FCC knocking on your door. The FCC has APPROVED the use of OTHER electronic devices in the Whitespaces and it was voted on NOV 4th and passed so this is no longer an issue of when, But Now.

If your not sure we will be glad to do Frequency Co-ordination scans and inspect your wireless systems.

Enjoy Fall and the run up to the Holidays, Congrats to our New President and lets hope he takes us in a new direction, God Knows we need it. Ill be posting and covering new products and if you want more info just drop me a line and Ill be glad to get you Info, Literature or a web Link.

Bids and RFP's are always welcome and Rentals for the Holidays Christmas Programs, Dont say you cant afford to buy it, Just rent it, We have Video Projectors, Screeens, Switchers, Wireless Mics, Condenser Mics, Snakes, Audio Packages and can provide complete production support.
GIVE US A CALL...618-466-6749

Monday, October 27, 2008

Power Protection

Ive experienced some weird power issues this year and with all this new Digital gear coming and being installed its more important then ever to filter your incoming power. There are many questions about using Power conditioners and Im going to try and answer a few.

If your building gets a DIRECT lightning strike, its a pretty sure thing that Computers, Refrigeration, Dimming, Office Equipment, Phones, Cable/Satellite and any other equipment power from the Power lines that come into the building are Subsceptible. Using a Whole House Power Protection system is a good way to control these issues and protect the valuable gear, Imagine having to replace all these items after a Hit near on on your Business/Church or Home.

These can be caused by many issues from Auto Accidents hitting a power pole, Lightning strikes miles away, or nearby, and being in a Rural area or even an office building. Many Buildings have Elevators and these can cause Brownouts even on normal days, pulling the voltage down below the normal operating voltage of 108-127 volts. Surges are also caused by many things such as Lightning or Transformer related issues, Surges raise the Voltage levels above the 127 volt range and like a Brownout can create heat in the power using appliances.

With Todays power issues, Brownouts, Power surges and Powerline trash causing noise to be inducted into your Stereos, Recording, Videos and Sound systems, Today its more important to protect your investments then ever. Modern Power conditioning gear can provide a measure of protection and small insurance to keep these issues from wearing and tearing on your electrical systems.

We Offer, APC, Furman, Tripplite, CBI, and ETA power conditioning and Distribution equipment and will offer you a free analysis of the risk and what should be protected and what doesnt need to be protected. If you have any questions about these issues please contact me on our website.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Night/Sunday day

I was building this blog and simply amazed at all the features and tools etc that are available for Linking. Google sure has made it easy and anyone can have a blog today. I was hoping to have this on my site sooner but Ive not had the time. Summer is very busy for us and were not slowing down yet, Tomorrow we do the Huge Mass in the Grass event in Alton IL for St Mary's Catholic Church, well be using our Versarray and small format mixer, But the expected crowd is well over 2000, weather forecasts are for 70 degrees, So well be having a Nice day for the Mass.

Welcome to our Helpline

Ive been trying for a while to establish my own web help line, the past forum was too complicated and I couldn't access it fast enough, I plan to do Product Reviews and give you FIRST HAND experiences with lots of GEAR.
There will be Peavey Gear but other makes will be included, I also welcome the Input of others on any thing that's of interest. Please respect the Blog, No cursing, Racial, Religions or other disparaging remarks will be welcome.

This is for Friends, Customers and Dealers to use and discuss that issues, Gear and problems as well as Success's they want to share. Ill be reviewing Gear and offering Solutions. Thanks for coming by and please do often...

Don Lanier
Pearl Pro Audio