Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ah The Holidays are here, Thanksgiving is over and so is my Waistline, but thats the Holidays. Listen all you guys needing a quick solution to Digital recording that Tascam DR-1 I told you about is the bomb. Ive just recently recorded a 24 track LIVE mix down to 2 Track and it came out fabulous. Not only does the Internal Limiter work but its seamless, you will not notice it when you bang into it which is great. Im doing more and more recording these days and rying to expand the revenue streams as everyone knows the economy has tanked, things are worse then slow so one must diversify. Installs, Concerts, Free Lancing, A/V Whatever pays the bills and thats getting hard to do. Im worried like many that if this depressed economy goes on too long many guys will quit, sell out and lots of smaller companys and even some Regionals may find themselves selling off Inventory.

Were going to keep the chin up and hope for the best, but again I shout DIVERSIFY, Do more, with less, work harder and leaner or you will go down. Were investing in more and more product lines and weve established new relationships with other companies. I love my Peavey gear but Im afraid Im having to go in other directions, Ive got larger clients and I need to provide the gear thats desired by the most and used by more.
My Versarray has done a great job and I love that system, well be using it for a long time, but were looking at a larger system, possibly for purchase in the spring if all gets better. Meyer or Martin, or possibly Renkus Heinz as they make great gear.

I also cant say enough about the new Heil PR 22, This is a great mic, Ive got several and have sold several and it works for Concerts, Speech, Ladys, Gospel, Horns, its just a all around great mic, it will even do Guitars in a pinch, and the Standard PR 20 has become our favorite Snare mic, we were using a small Beyer mic for years but the a Tone and Sound of the PR 20 on Snare is Monstrous.

I went to the Rental and Staging Roadshow and made some good contacts and were working on a new catalog of our own that well have available about the Middle of December featuring many of the A/V Products but also Sound, Lighting, Furniture, Accesories etc.

Were also selling AKG and Audio Technica who right now has a great rebate program going on, check out A-T's website, download the rebate form and buy and get up to 40 BUCKS BACK !!!!!

I wish everone a happy and safe Holiday season, and please remember the reason for the season, Christ who forgave my sins and has changed my Life.
Be sure to visit a Church of your Choosing and take your family, do something together for the holidays, walk through a Light display or do some carolling. God Bless

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