Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas

Were gearing up our new case factory later this week, Ive been working hard at getting this off the ground, we will soon be building Amp Racks, Effects Racks, Console cases, Trunks and most any type of case thats needed, Guitar and bass transport cases, Utility trunks and workboxes....its on it way.

W ehave added JVC Pro to our continually growing list of product offerings as well as Panasonic Projection systems, if your looking for Projection or need some advice give us a call, we can Spec, Design and Install systems for any size venue. We have Draper, Peerless, Harkness Screens, Panasonic, JVC, Kramer, Sony and many other fine National Brands that we can draw on and provide top notch support with Lamps, Mounts , Rigging and Electric Screens etc.

Im really hoping to go to NAMM this year in California and see the new products and Peaveys is bring some really cool items out, I cant say what I know but many of us Peavey users will like what we see, even in this down economy I believe things will get better. If we keep the Doomsayers and Sore Losers after the Election from dragging us all down Im sure after Pres Elect Obama will bring about the Change he has promised.

Things couldnt get much worse then Losing your Home, and Im hoping that we get this country back on track, we need to forget Party Lines and work towards a Stronger, Leaner, Meaner America thats got to turn this machine around and get people back to work, Back into buying homes and a recovered renewed spirit of America.

Were growing and getting Leaner, adding what works and getting rid fo what doesnt, selling off the Old and Modernizing our gear, Wireless Technologies from MIPRO and Peavey, AKG and A/T all bringing new Tech to market. DTV will bring about Change, Just make sure your testing and evaluating your wireless, many companies are starting to roll out rebates etc to those who may have to replace older wireless systems.

Enjoy the Season my freinds, Tell those close to you you Love them, and Give a small amount of time, money or whatever you can to someone who needs it, youll enjoy the season so much more by Sharing and Caring.
God Bless...

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